Baby Shark Dance

★ Lyrics Baby Shark Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo.Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo.Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo.Baby shark! Mommy shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo.Mommy shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo.Mommy shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo.Mommy shark! Daddy shark, doo doo doo […]

Wheels on the Bus

Lyrics: The wheels on the bus go round and roundRound and roundRound and roundThe wheels on the bus go round and roundAll through the town The doors on the bus go open and shutOpen and shutOpen and shutThe doors on the bus go open and shutAll through the town The wipers on the bus go […]

FROZEN – Let It Go Sing-along

Two royal sisters, Elsa and Anna, live in the kingdom of Arendelle. Elsa has magical ice powers that she struggles to control, and after accidentally revealing them to the public, she flees into the mountains, isolating herself in fear. Her sister Anna, determined to bring Elsa back, sets out on a journey to find her, […]

Angleška abeceda

Simpatični vlakec Bob vas bo popeljal skozi angleško abecedo.  Otroci imajo radi, da imajo nekoga, na katerega se lahko zanesejo. Nekoga, ki ga pozna, nekoga, ki bo bo vedno z njimi, ne glede na vse. Prav zato otroci ljubijo Boba! Vlakec Bob je tisti, ki ljubi in obožuje svoje prijatelje bolj kot karkoli. Najraje ima […]

Animals Feeding Song

Veste kaj radi pojedo opica, ovčka in slon? Poglejte si pesem, tam vam bodo ob prisrčnem petju razkrili, kaj jim najbolj tekne. OohOohOoh. HeeHeeHee! Jaz sem opica na drevesu.OohOohOoh. HeeHeeHee! Jaz sem opica na drevesu.OohOohOoh. HeeHeeHee! Jaz sem opica na drevesu. Jem banane 1, 2, 3. MahMahMah, LaLaLa! Jaz sem mala ovčka Mah!MahMahMah, LaLaLa! Jaz […]